Creative Writing


Greek Labels

Creative Writing Website Greek Labels

CREAT is a Cretan brand whose name derives from the words CRETE and EAT. We drew inspiration from the Cretan “mantinada,” a spontaneous poem composed of a 15-syllable rhyming couplet, and wrote our own mantinades for each of CREAT’s products in both English and Greek. We also designed and developed CREAT’s website.


“MIST,” EVOO Sprays


Oh, like an (extra) virgin embraced for the very first time,

Made with very fresh olives, so your heart long beats next to mine.

Seed oils might be ideal for automobiles and machines,

but olive oil is innate to Cretan culture and cuisine.

Cretans pour olive oil over all their dishes to make them “swim”;

after all, that is their cultural and culinary hymn.

The land is quite dry and olive oil prices are certainly high,

so we propose this fifty-fifty mix, no more need to sigh.

Have you been searching for quality olive oil you can spray?

Meet the one that tastes so much like a Cretan sun ray.


Ονειρεύεσαι το ελαιόλαδο σε μορφή σπρέι;

που ραντίζει όμορφα, ανομοιόμορφα δεν ρέει!



If breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day, 

then start your day with dakos that’s what Cretans do always say!

Walk down the aisle and only see cereal that’s always sweet?

Now you see dakos, the savory cereal you must eat. 

In Cretan tradition, sprinkle dakos as your crunchy base;

then top with tomatoes, feta cheese, and olive oil to taste. 

In the 90s, celebrities asked you if you “Got milk?”

Now, Cretans ask you if you “Got olive oil?” that’s smooth as silk.


Αν το πρωινό είναι το πιο σημαντικό γεύμα, 

τότε προτίμησε τον ντάκο στο κρητικό πνεύμα!

Ο παραδοσιακός ντάκος συνήθως σπάει δόντια,

αλλά αυτόν δεν τον φοβούνται ούτε τα γερόντια!

Μα τα κορν φλεικς είναι αμερικανικά και ξένα, 

αλλά ο ντάκος έχει βαθιά κρητικό πνεύμα!

Με αυτή την πολύ καινοτόμα υφή στον ντάκο, 

ακόμα και ο οδοντίατρος σου λέει φα’το! 

“Dress, Glaze, Sauce”


Dionysus was draped in grapevines and oh so drunk on wine, 

but grapes oxidize into vinegar, which is so divine. 

A salad is surely bland without a delicious dressing;

made with fresh olive oil and fresh fruit, tastes like a Cretan blessing!

Our food may be naked without a mouthwatering glaze,

made with real Cretan fruit, you’ll find yourself looking amazed!

Everyone loves a tasty hot sauce on top of everything;

well, this red sauce is just a little bit more fresh for that zing!


Μα είναι κρίμα να μένει η σαλάτα σου γυμνή,

χωρίς ντρέσινγκ φτιαγμένο με φρούτα από την κρητική μας γη!

Γκλέιζ με κρητικό σταφύλι και φρέσκο μαύρο μούρο,

Δοκίμασε και απόλαυσε το και εσύ εδώ!



Maybe it rings a bell, the irrational Greek letter π… 

Ring ring! No longer a headache, but the Cretan pie to try!

A circle’s circumference to its diameter is… π

But that’s math, and all we really care about is Cretan pie!

The French might agree that its dough is delicate as a crepe,

but its filling is strong like a Cretan; it’s a pie in shape!

Don’t know what to put inside your loaf or on top of your toast?

Try pie, all fillings are inside, all you have to do is roast!


Ονειρεύεσαι μια αυθεντική μαραθόπιτα?

Πολύ καλοφτιαγμένη, προψημένη, εδώ κοίτα!

